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by Simone Ming - Number of replies: 0

Hey Everyone,

Each week I will be dedicating the session to a set level of fitness (week 1 beginners 0-10reps and week 2 intermediate 10+ reps).

My sessions are designed to help you progress your fitness strength with 5 different variations of difficulty for the same exercises. All the workouts will be recorded so you are able to re-watch the workout. Each week will change so make sure you keep up with the lives and recordings to get the most out of your workout. at the end of each week I will update the announcements with the new weeks lesson plan. 

The days are split between body parts;

Monday pull day - back biceps and core

Tuesday Legs and core

Thursday push day - chest, triceps, shoulders and core

Friday full body

How I suggest you should use this platform 

  1.  Try out all 5 variations for the first session (depending on your fitness level) 
  2. Workout which level of difficult you're at out of the 5 variations (the last 2 reps should feel slightly harder)
  3. Re-watch the workout the following week but stick to your difficulty level for all 5 sets
  4. Repeat with the new weeks.

Best of luck with hitting those fitness goals 

Simone xXX

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